Monday, April 30, 2007

2 of 5

This is the second picture of the five good ones we have of Twuck. All other ultrasounds, images, etc you see on this blog are either computer generated images or someone else's baby; they are merely posted to aid visualization of current growth. We will not be having the super-fancy 4D ultrasounds - they generally involve a longer exposure time and more powerful equipment, and though no one has ever proven ultrasounds unsafe to mother or baby, I am scarred by my lab experiences where we used sound waves to break open cells. Well, the emotional scarring goes beyond that, but I digress . . . :-P Ultrasounds - fancy and otherwise - are wonderful tools for those that need them. Fortunately, it looks like this time, we won't.
I think I'm starting to look pregnant, a little. Maternity clothes are actually staying up for the whole day now. They should - the scale says I've put on four pounds since my last midwife visit. Fortunately we're getting to the time of year that swimming is an exercise option, since I'd prefer not to wear the maternity shirt that says "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant! . . . And fat."
Now that we know we're having a boy, I can start customizing the cloth diapers I've already gotten (I found 5 for $5 each; new they're $18 each!) so that the extra absorbency layer snaps a little further forward. I'll be glad when we get settled so I can have my sewing machine back!

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