Friday, June 15, 2007

25 weeks

Whew! Between Beatrice finally making her appearance, my nephew getting married in the middle of nowhere, and the Maryland house forcibly resisting being sold, there's barely been time to post. And the craziness isn't done yet - we're leaving tonight to head to Maryland to solve some last-minute problems before closing on Monday. So in case you have wondered why I haven't posted recently, well, see above.

Our midwife's appointment went well yesterday - this time it was with the lady that is actually the director of the birth center. I was initially worried about that, afraid she'd be, I don't know, too managerial or something, but it was an incredibly positive experience. I guess anyone who's been a midwife for 25 or so years is unlikely to be too bureaucratic in nature. Apparently all my measurements are just perfect - fundal height, weight, blood pressure, that sort of thing. She did say I should work on eating an apple a day, but otherwise I was not scolded about my diet and exercise level. Finally, my glucose tolerance test was scheduled for the beginning of July, and she reassured me that as long as I was not insulin-dependent I would not be risked out of the birth center, which was my major concern with the test.

In other baby news, we've picked out and signed up for our childbirth class, which begins on the 25th and runs for eight weeks, and we're beginning to amass a (very) small stash of diapers. Twuck continues to get stronger; the other day I was resting a bowl of cereal on my tummy-turned-shelf, when he decided he'd had enough of the cold thing sitting on him and gave a direct kick to the bowl, sending milk sloshing everywhere. Already showing quite the temper - we may be in trouble here.

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