Saturday, June 30, 2007

disturbing calculations

So I just did some calculating to figure out our diaper stash size so far. We have purchased:

10 newborn/small size diapers
8 medium size diapers
2 wool covers

Unfortunately, I then decided to continue and decipher exactly how much we'd spent on diapers so far. On the positive side, I've paid half the cost or less for almost all of them. On the negative side, how did it get up to just over $130 already?!? Oh well, I suppose it's better to know than to blithely assume that just because I'm finding good deals we're not spending that much money . . .

I still can't wait to get back access to my sewing machine, though.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Why isn't there . . .

. . . a well-known, wide-spread, brick-and-mortar store that sells a wide range of cloth diapers?

(better yet, one that also has a wide selection of children's books and audio. And in this mythical store, there should be a cafe that sells nutritious snacks and tasty decaffeinated coffee things.)

Friday, June 15, 2007

25 weeks

Whew! Between Beatrice finally making her appearance, my nephew getting married in the middle of nowhere, and the Maryland house forcibly resisting being sold, there's barely been time to post. And the craziness isn't done yet - we're leaving tonight to head to Maryland to solve some last-minute problems before closing on Monday. So in case you have wondered why I haven't posted recently, well, see above.

Our midwife's appointment went well yesterday - this time it was with the lady that is actually the director of the birth center. I was initially worried about that, afraid she'd be, I don't know, too managerial or something, but it was an incredibly positive experience. I guess anyone who's been a midwife for 25 or so years is unlikely to be too bureaucratic in nature. Apparently all my measurements are just perfect - fundal height, weight, blood pressure, that sort of thing. She did say I should work on eating an apple a day, but otherwise I was not scolded about my diet and exercise level. Finally, my glucose tolerance test was scheduled for the beginning of July, and she reassured me that as long as I was not insulin-dependent I would not be risked out of the birth center, which was my major concern with the test.

In other baby news, we've picked out and signed up for our childbirth class, which begins on the 25th and runs for eight weeks, and we're beginning to amass a (very) small stash of diapers. Twuck continues to get stronger; the other day I was resting a bowl of cereal on my tummy-turned-shelf, when he decided he'd had enough of the cold thing sitting on him and gave a direct kick to the bowl, sending milk sloshing everywhere. Already showing quite the temper - we may be in trouble here.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I can feel him move sporadically now - flips and kicks and such. He doesn't like things to be on my belly; in the past week he's tried to kick first the laptop, then the cat, off of my lap.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Halfway there

His feet are about an inch long now, according to a book we spotted at the appointment yesterday, where we were repeatedly assured that everything was going perfectly smoothly.

Monday, April 30, 2007

2 of 5

This is the second picture of the five good ones we have of Twuck. All other ultrasounds, images, etc you see on this blog are either computer generated images or someone else's baby; they are merely posted to aid visualization of current growth. We will not be having the super-fancy 4D ultrasounds - they generally involve a longer exposure time and more powerful equipment, and though no one has ever proven ultrasounds unsafe to mother or baby, I am scarred by my lab experiences where we used sound waves to break open cells. Well, the emotional scarring goes beyond that, but I digress . . . :-P Ultrasounds - fancy and otherwise - are wonderful tools for those that need them. Fortunately, it looks like this time, we won't.
I think I'm starting to look pregnant, a little. Maternity clothes are actually staying up for the whole day now. They should - the scale says I've put on four pounds since my last midwife visit. Fortunately we're getting to the time of year that swimming is an exercise option, since I'd prefer not to wear the maternity shirt that says "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant! . . . And fat."
Now that we know we're having a boy, I can start customizing the cloth diapers I've already gotten (I found 5 for $5 each; new they're $18 each!) so that the extra absorbency layer snaps a little further forward. I'll be glad when we get settled so I can have my sewing machine back!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

It's a boy!

Everything is perfect and in its proper place. From all they can tell, this little one is perfectly happy and healthy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


image courtesy

We go for our ultrasound tomorrow. I can't decide whether I'm more excited or anxious. Yes, we are going to find out the gender, assuming baby cooperates. The only gender dream I've had the baby was a boy; we'll see if that was prophetic or not.

If you have the time and inclination, say a little prayer for the three of us tomorrow . . .

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pocket Diapers

Like my AIOs list, only the products with the best/most reviews are listed here. Not that number of reviews was a problem - it seems everyone and their mother has an opinion on pocket diapers!

-Green Acre Designs (~$16) mostly rave reviews, some leaking reported (especially of breastfed poo?)
-DryBees Pocket AIO ($15) good at containing blowouts, solid colors better than prints, fit issues w/ some babies, especially good w/ hemp inserts, runs large
-Snap Ez Pocket ($16) just as good as the AIOs, fit issues w/ some babies, most use other brands of inserts, many size options

So to me, Snap Ez Pockets > Snap EZ AIO. With a ~$10-12 drop in price, I can stomach the extra annoyance of using inserts. DryBees sounds like a good option as well, particularly with hemp inserts. Bum-Ware AIOs remain a reasonably priced option, as they are only a little more expensive than the pockets, and I'm a fan of the AIO concept.

There. That wasn't as hard as I was afraid it would be. :-P


So I was thinking that I was starting to get a handle on this whole cloth diapering thing; I was pinning down brands, types, and amounts needed - until I realize that some (if not all) pocket diapers have PUL outer layers. In my mind, this makes them an AIO. Apparently not to anyone else though. So now I have to slog through the wilderness that is pocket diapers (which previously I had categorically ruled out) and figure out which of those are the best, and whether they are better than the AIOs I'd already picked out.

Not like I don't have plenty of time, though.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

very little is more beautiful

. . . than the sound of a baby's heartbeat. Thankfully, we got to hear it yesterday, strong and clear, despite all the wiggling about the little seemed to find necessary.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

one week

. . . until our next appointment. I keep telling myself I've gone three weeks without hearing the heartbeat, I can surely wait one week more. But if you hear that a clinic has been broken into and nothing taken, nothing disturbed except the doppler, well, perhaps you should find out where I was that night.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

paranoia strikes again

Some bleeding/spotting today, which left me sufficiently freaked out to call the midwives, who assured me that unless I started cramping (which I'm not) then I shouldn't worry. Also, I have been telling myself that either the baby is fine, or it's not, and there's nothing to be done either way. Neither of these reassurances are actually all that comforting.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So I'd been feeling crampy off and on over the past week or so, and it was worrying me a little. I'd figured out that more water seemed to make the sensation go away, but it felt so much like veryveryvery mild contractions that I didn't know what to make of it. Turns out that they're probably Braxton Hicks. I thought that that was something you only got in your last month or so, but apparently they start at six weeks and are noticeable for some women starting in the late first trimester.

Guess I need to start trying to drink even more water . . .

Friday, March 23, 2007

a (grateful) rant

I feel so fortunate that I have the education, intelligence, and (perhaps most of all) the good luck to be able to think for myself, even in situations - such as birth - where it is actively discouraged. If I hadn't been seated next to a girl at graduation, I wouldn't have reconnected with her, and I wouldn't have found the left-of-mainstream community that has been such an eye-opener to me. If my experiences in graduate school hadn't taught me cynicism toward the scientific establishment, and if I hadn't taught several classes' worth of pre-med students, and if I hadn't landed in a hospital brimming with incompetence, I might never have abandoned my blind faith in science and technology.

This all comes up because of this study and the fact that leaving the cord unclamped until it stops pulsing is already policy at the birth center. It frustrates me that not everyone has the information or opportunity to choose (what I believe is) a higher standard of care. I can understand just going with the flow, and I can even understand choosing that alternative care (other than following precisely what the doctor tells you) is not for you; I just wish everyone had the opportunity to make an informed decision.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

13 weeks

I've decided the baby is going through a growth spurt because I've been ridiculously emotional the past two days, and what is pregnancy for if not to blame everything on hormones?

Also I've had pretty bad back pain over the past week - bad enough that I called the midwives on Monday to make sure I shouldn't be worried. She suggested heat packs and massage, and that maybe a visit to a chiropractor would be in order if that doesn't fix it. It seems to be better today, and I've been following her advice with the heat packs and yesterday sat in a super-massagey chair while we were in bed-bath-and-beyond. The pain and stiffness aren't all gone, but hopefully it will be better enough that I will actually be of some use while we are in Maryland this weekend.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

picture courtesy

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

12 weeks today

I've decided that the differences between the two birth centers (the one in MD and the one here) sort of mirror some of the differences between the north and south. This birth center lacks some of the resources of Special Beginnings, but the consistent kindness and caringness of every single person we've met more than makes up for it, in my mind. Though that is why we chose to move back south, I guess.

We got to hear a nice, strong heartbeat yesterday at our first appointment, at which point I managed to embarrass myself by bursting into tears. Fortunately the midwife was very understanding.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

11 weeks

Our 'informational tour' of the birth center is tomorrow, at which point we'll finally make an appointment.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

You know, staring at that little progress ticker should not be as reassuring as it is.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

60 dpo

Incredibly cute already.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I need to start eating more supper, or something. For the past I-don't-know-how-many nights I've been waking up in between 4 and 6am (getting earlier each night) absolutely ravenous. Since these days ravenous quickly proceeds to nauseous, I've hauled myself out of bed and come downstairs for a quick bowl of oatmeal or something. Tonight (this morning?) when I woke up I tried to convince myself that this had just become habit: that I wasn't hungry and should just go back to sleep. I gave up when my stomach growled loudly enough to startle Cleo. This is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Hand at day 51

Nifty what a difference three days makes, eh? Excitingly enough, the brain has begun making its first detectable brain waves. And all that detail is part of a baby the size of a walnut.
image courtesy

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hand at day 48

image courtesy (stay tuned for day 51!)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Pocket Diapers

This type of cloth diaper is hugely popular, but I confess I don't really understand why. They're not that much cheaper than AIOs/AI2s, and you have to deal with stuffing/unstuffing them everytime you use them. So, for now anyway, they're being struck off the list, only to be returned to if circumstances warrant.

Friday, February 16, 2007

8 weeks 2 days

I'm having bad cramps this morning, so to counteract the worry, here is a ultrasound pic from someone else's 8 week 2 day mark:

Thursday, February 15, 2007


For those of you not in the know, we are likely going to be cloth diapering. So I have been scouring various review sites, etc, trying to collect as much information as possible. I was just keeping my notes on them in a text file, but I thought, why not post them here? So I'll start with the comparisons of all-in-ones/twos, the type of diaper most like disposables. The ones listed below are just a few of the huge variety, but they're the ones that either had the most or the best reviews, or something.

-Bum-Ware (~$18) trim, leak-free, but laundry tab problematic
-Snap-EZ AIO (~$20) mentioned especially for overnight, just out of beta, no negatives yet
-Swaddlebees (~$16) not good for heavy wetters or long period of time, long time to dry
-JamTots BerryPlush (~$30) very soft, MUST prewash heavily, very expensive
-Very Baby Very Basic (~$20) some leaks, good laundry tabs, issue with which supplier?
-Little Bottoms AIO (~$9) cheap! durability issues at 3+ months, some leaking
-bumGenius v2.0 (~$15) stretchy tabs pill easily, must be used w/ doubler for extended time/heavy wetter

So to me it seems that Bum-Ware and/or Snap-EZ are the way to go. Though of course fit, etc. varies between babies and who knows what will be best for us. And this is just of the AIOs - there are still fitteds and pocket diapers and prefolds and covers to go!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

are we there yet?

Twuck has now reached about a centimeter in length. Already teeth buds and a sense of smell have begun to form, and spontaneous movement begins this week (only 12 more weeks or so to go before I can actually feel it). Over the next ten to twelve days, there will be critical developments in the heart, chest, and abdomen. By the end of this time period the intestines that have just begun forming should migrate to their proper place and the heart should separate into its four chambers (and remain in its proper place). Please pray that this is so.

morning sickness redux

I spoke too soon. Blech.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Morning Sickness (and the lack thereof)

I spent more time resting today than I have since I've been so sick, and it's really paid off. I'm just now starting to feel sick, and the day's almost over. Unfortunately, resting doesn't get packing done.

The cats like it though.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

what can I say, I'm a worrier

I *know* spotting is completely normal in the first trimester. That doesn't mean it doesn't freak me out anyway.

Also, the morning sickness seems to be easing a bit - at least starting later in the day than before. Don'tget me wrong, I'm grateful, but isn't it a little early for that?

In addition, my boobs feel . . . deflated. A little, not a lot, but noticeable. And the aureolae have gone from darkening to fading.

I realize that none of this is worth one second of my concern. And even if it was, there wouldn't be anything I could do about it. But I worry anyway.

Friday, February 09, 2007

baby at seven weeks

assuming all is going well, this is approximately what the little one looks like right now:
(image courtesy

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bad heartburn is supposed to mean a headful of hair, if you believe the old wives' tales. -Jeanine

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Today is Thursday January 18th 2007.

You conceived on Wednesday January 3rd 2007
and your due date is Wednesday September 27th 2007.

15 days have passed since the conception,
and you are 251 days before your due date.

You are 4 weeks into your pregnancy,
and you have 36 weeks to go.

You are in the 1st trimester.

6% of your pregnancy has passed, there is 94% left to go.